Company website that moves with the times

by anastazja

Since the Internet has become the major tool in gaining new clients, one can observe a natural selection phenomenon. As a result of technological evolution – companies that use online marketing as a part of their general strategy, move with the times and develop. Whereas, more conservative owners stay still and fall out of the market. How is that happening?

Over 50% of potential customers from your target group was attracted to your service viewing your website. It means that in the competitive market, there is a place only for the companies which invest in social media tools and have optimized websites. The dilemma of today’s marketing is not about deciding, whether it is profitable to have a website, it is about how to manage the company’s online image to build trust and attract customers.

We encourage you to frankly answer the question: what’s the percentage of customers that you obtain online? If it’s only 30% of the whole base, how can you increase it by remaining 20%?

Managing your website according to SEO guidelines

Optimalising your website form and content is an ultimate reqirement that guarantees online success. The way you have to optimalise your website depends on its development status. You have to manage just-lounched website differently than the one that is already in an adcance development stage.

Early stage of managing the website is inseparable with your target group analysis. To gain new customers, you should find out how to fulfill their needs. You will see that there are people with problems, which you can resolve or deliver the solution with your services or products. Half of them will look for the solution in the Internet, type-in given phrases in a browser. Let’s take your example: You have a difficulty in obtaining new clients and social media is a black magic to you. You type what describes your problem: ’How can I obtain new clients online?’. It’s obvious, that you will be attracted by the websites which precisely answer your question. What is the conclusion?

Remember about enriching your brand website with good-quality content which will circle around your target group needs. When your potential clients already have certain knowledge of their problem and they are looking for a precise solution which you can offer, take care about your SEO content. This is the only way your website can appear in top search results.

Gaining your target group trust

Offering valuable information via free forms, such as: e-book, newsletter, multimedia presentation and free consults is an efficient method of attracting customer’s attention. In exchange for an email address you gain much more – the possibility to create and stay in contact with potential clients. Individual a preach to your recipient will bring more involvement, interaction and trust. Additionally, thanks to synchronisation online data with CRM base, you will avoid time consuming creation of database and customer service. This automatic element will make online work easier, your email marketing will be more efficient and you will get more time for creating content.

What else can you do?

A blog is a sine qua non of online marketing and a crucial element in a process of building customer relations. It is the most effective online tool for obtaining clients that the company can have. Using valuable content, you both – build an authority and show company’s personality. Moreover, every blog post has an index page in Google, that is why you should integrate it with SEO. 

Realisation of all the milestones related to website management and content planning will provide you and your company with a good start in online marketing. Within a year you will observe a significant motion among your recipients, which will positively influence on your website dynamic and, as it follows, on number of clients.

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